CMMS :: Authors
Click on the links below to display or hide their content or download the instructions for Authors from the following link.

General conditions for submitting the papers:

Original articles within the scope of the Journal should be submitted through Internet: Paper Manager as pdf file. Papers can be submitted only in English. The file with the paper should contain:

  • Title, Authors - give names, affiliations, addresses and Orcid numbers of the author and all co-authors,
  • Abstract - it must state the main objectives, scope and findings of the work within approximately 300 words,
  • Keywords - few keywords are required for use in indexing,
  • Main text with figures,
  • Acknowledgements (if necessary),
  • Appendix (if necessary, not advised),
  • References

All contributions will be evaluated by the two reviewers selected by the Editorial Board and the Authors will be notified about the decision.

When the paper is accepted, MS Word source file with the text have to be sent. If requested by the editorial office also figures in separate files should be provided.

Manuscript preparation:

Text of the paper has to be written on the A4 format with 25 mm margins on all sides, using Times-Roman 12 pts font. Add page numbering at the bottom-centre of the page.

Equations should be justified to the left margin and equation number (in parenthesis) to the right margin:

x=x+1                                                                                    (1)

Figures, photograph and tables have to be included in the text. They should be referred to in the text by the whole word in lower case letters, for example function f(x) is presented in figure 1 and the results of calculations are given in table 1. Use the SI-system for units and all quantitative data. When the paper is accepted for publication, the editorial office may also request to provide figures in separate files..

List of references is located at the end of the text, in the alphabetic order. Reference to the list has to be made by the name of the authors and the year of publication, for example:

In the case of one author

. . . developed by Huber (1904).

. . . energetic criterion was applied (Huber, 1904).

In the case of two authors:

. . . on the basis of research performed by Sitko and Madej (2020).

. . . work of plastic deformation was accounted for  (Sitko & Madej, 2020)

In the case of more than two authors:

Madej et al. (2019) researched the effect of . . .

Parameters for the bearing steel are also available (Madej et at., 2019).

In the case of referring to more than one publication:

(Sitko & Madej, 2020; Perzynski & Madej, 2018)

If one author of a group of authors published more than one cited paper in the same year, add letters a, b, . . after the year.

Examples of formatting references for books, journal publications and conference proceedings are presented below and follow the APA style. Name of the publisher as well as names of all editors have to be added for edited books or conference proceedings.

Journal papers:

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages.


Madej, L., Malinowski, L., Perzynski, K., Mojzeszko, M., Wang, J., Cios, G., Czarnecki D., & Bala P. (2019). Considering influence of microstructure morphology of epoxy/glass composite on its behavior under deformation conditions – digital material representation case study. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 19(4), 1304-1315.



Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Publisher Name. DOI (if available)


Pietrzyk, M., Madej, L., Rauch, L., & Szeliga, D. (2015). Computational Materials Engineering: Achieving high accuracy and efficiency in metals processing simulations. ButterworthHeinemann Elsevier.


Conference papers:

Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (Year). Title of chapter or entry. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor (Eds.). Title of book, pages. Publisher.


Thompson, E.G., & Hamzeh, O. (1992). Quasi-steady-state analysis for radial forging. In Pietrzyk, M., Kusiak, J. (Eds.). Proc. Conf. Metal Forming '92, 158-162. Verlag Stahleisen GmbH.


The corresponding author will receive the galley proof. No new material may be inserted into the proofs.


For publication in the journal Computer Methods in Materials Science an article may not have been published previously anywhere else. Copyright of material in the article is the responsibility of the author. Extensive quotations and the sources of illustrations must be acknowledged.

After the acceptance of the manuscript by the Editorial Committee, the paper will be published as an open-access publication, which can be used, distributed, and reproduced in any medium according to the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License requiring that the original work has been properly cited.

Simultaneously, there are no fees for the authors and the readers, which facilitates the widespread of the paper.

The whole communication between authors, reviewers and editors is done via the Internet ( - referred below as 'Web System').

Account Creation:

Each author has to create his own account (Web System -> Register), which will allow to pass each step of the paper submission. Author will have to fill the 'Registration form', where the obligatory fields are marked with asterisk. Please check carefully all your data, especially email - it will be your unique identifier and login in the Web System. After submission of correctly filled registration form, the email containing password will be generated automatically and sent to the Author immediately.

Paper Submission:

The paper has to be submitted through the Web System. Therefore, the author has to login to the system. After successful login, the author is redirected to the page containing a list of his papers. At every moment author has the possibility to add a new paper. The procedure of paper adding, submitting, and reviewing is divided into the following steps:

Paper Upload - The author has to choose the accepted position from the paper list - he will be redirected to a form allowing him to upload the full version of the paper. The paper has to be uploaded as a PDF file; in this form, it is sent to the editor, and the paper receives new status - 'Paper Submitted'. The editor assigns the paper to two Reviewers, and the status is changed one more time - 'Paper in Review'.

After Review Actions - Reviewers assess the paper and send their notes to the editor, who assigns the final note and gives additional remarks. The status is changed to 'Paper Accepted' ('Paper Rejected') if the paper was accepted (rejected) or 'Paper Accepted Conditionally'. The latter means that the authors have to consider the suggestions written by Reviewers and explanations of the editor. Then the author can resubmit the paper one more time to review.

After Paper Acceptance - If the paper is finally accepted, the author can upload *.doc (*.docx) version of the paper.

Please note that to achieve optimal performance, we recommend that your browser to be the most current version of either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

General Information

Title of Journal:

ISSN: 2720-4081
eISSN: 2720-3948

(previous ISSN: 1641-8581)

AGH University Press

Current issue: Vol. 24, 2024, No. 1

CMMS is a journal without any
Article Processing Charges

Open Access


© 2022 Computer Methods in Materials Science • ISSN: 2720-4081, eISSN: 2720-3948, previous ISSN: 1641-8581